eBook Category: FATAWA


Saying that one’s wife is unlawful for him and cursing her and her father


Repeating the words of Talaq to emphasize it


Telling one’s brother-in-law to inform his wife’s father to marry her to another intending divorce


Divorcing one’s wife once and taking her back on the same day


Repeating the words of divorce twice and doubting saying it again


Divorcing one’s wife by deputization according to Sunnah and the validity of revoking the divorce


Divorcing one’s wife while she is pregnant


Admitting divorcing one’s wife


Divorcing one’s wife according to the Sunnah and wishing to take her back after a year


Divorcing one’s wife twice


Divorcing one’s wife after a dispute and wishing to take her back


Informing one’s wife that she is unlawful for him and lawful for any one else


Husband taking an oath that his wife will be divorced if he camps with his friends


Repeating the word of divorce three times in a fit of anger


Divorcing one’s wife once and taking her back after four days


Irrevocable divorce dropping the right of alimony and accommodation


A woman staying at the same house with her paralyzed ex-husband


Staying with the ex-wife and her children in the same house


A woman given a revocable divorce leaving the house


Husband swearing to divorce his wife twice after having a quarrel


Husband lying to his second wife’s family regarding the number of his children from his ex-wife


Is holding the wife’s hand angrily considered Talaq?


Does divorce become effective by merely thinking about it?


Swearing to divorce one’s wife but not doing it

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