eBook Category: FATAWA


A divorced woman remaining at her husband’s house during the `Iddah


Divorcing the wife before consummating the marriage


Revoking Talaq before consummating the marriage obligates concluding a new marriage contract


Ruling on divorce before consummation


Divorcing a women during her menstrual period


Effectiveness of the innovated divorce


Talaq according to the Sunnah


Divorcing the wife after having intercourse during her Tuhr as an innovated divorce


Ruling on Sunni Talaq and Bida`i Talaq


Ineffectiveness of divorce by a delegated person in a way that is not directed in the Sunnah


Validity of divorce done with a delegation that was cancelled later


Ineffectiveness of divorce based on a false reason


Taking an oath of Talaq in a fit of anger


Telling one’s wife to cover up in his presence while being angry


Divorcing the two wives with one pronouncement


Divorcing one’s wife in a fit of temper


Invalidity of divorce under coercion


Divorce under coercion


Ruling on the Talaq of an insane person


Is it permissible to visit the divorcee and her children?


Promising to divorce the wife and doubting the effectiveness of divorce, then taking her back


Taking an oath of divorce


Divorce of a sleeping man


One of the relatives divorcing the wife on behalf of the absent husband

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