eBook Category: SHIRK


The Ruling Concerning Putting a Knife on a Child in Order to Protect Him


Seeking blessings for the house through Sacrificing


He Who makes Offering to Jinn shall have no Good Deeds of His accepted until He Repents


Ruling in Calling Jinn for Help by Ibn Baaz


URDU: Al-e-deoBand se 210 Sawalat by Zubair Ali Zai


URDU: Taweez Aur Dam Quran-o-Sunnat Ki Rooshni Men by Khwaja Muhammad Qasim


URDU: Ahl E Bait Or Sahab E Rasool Ka Intakhab by Abu Khalifa Ali Bin Muhammad Al Qudhaybi


URDU: Deobandi Aur Tablighi Jamat Ka Tabah Kun Sufiat Ka Aqida by Atta Ullah


مرزائیت اور اسلام – علامہ احسان الٰہی ظہیر


URDU: Ghairullah Ki Pukar Ki Shar’ee Haisiat by Dr Syed Shafiqur Rahman


Four Foundations Of Shirk by Imam Muhammad Abdul Wahhab & Shaykh al Fawzan


Volume 1: Tawhid – Believing that the universe is controlled by other than Allah


Volume 1: Tawhid – Limits of thinking about Allah’s Creation


Volume 1: Tawhid – Believing that children are not the Bounty of Allah


Volume 1: Tawhid – Allah making someone a means for obtaining provision or averting harm for another


Volume 1: Tawhid – Is it proper to say You are the successors of Allah on earth


Volume 1: Seeking the help of other than Allah – Performing Salah behind and befriending an Imam who seeks the help of other than Allah


Volume 1: Seeking the help of other than Allah – Do Awliya’ have authority over anyone


Volume 1: Seeking the help of other than Allah – Seeking the help of and supplicating to the deceased besides Allah


Volume 1: Shirk – Performing the Pillars of Islam and supplicating to other than Allah


Volume 1: Seeking the help of other than Allah – Ruling on seeking the help of other than Allah


Volume 1: Seeking the help of other than Allah – Seeking the help of the dead or the absent is major Shirk


Volume 1: Seeking the help of other than Allah – Refuting claims about supplicating to the deceased and the diacritical marks and dots of the Qur’an


Volume 1: Seeking the help of other than Allah – Performing Salah behind an Imam who seeks the help of the dead

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