eBook Category: SHIRK


What is shirk asghar? Imam Ibn Uthaymeen


Seeking assistance from the dead – Ulama Salaf


Lesser shirk – Imam Ibn Uthaymeen


Calling upon saints – Alama Al Fawzan


Visiting the graves of Aawliyaa’ and asking them to fulfil one’s needs – Ulama Salaf


Slaughtering animals at the graves of Aawliyaa’ – Ulama Salaf


Slaughtering animals to entertain guests or out of generosity towards one’s family


Slaughtering animals for a so-called Walee and building a shrine over his grave – Ulama Salaf


Prostrating and slaughtering animals at graves – Ulma Salaf


Making vows at the shrines of Shaykhs – Ulama Salaf


Seeking help from the Jinn to fulfil one’s needs – Ulama Salaf


Slaughtering for other than Allaah and seeking the help of the dead and the absent – Ulama Salaf


Ruling on seeking the help of other than Allaah when stricken by misfortune – Ulama Salaf


Supplicating to other than Allaah – Ulama Salaf


Asking for the help of the dead or the absent – Ulama Salaf


Is seeking help from someone who is absent or dead considered an act of Major Kufr


Calling upon other than Allaah for help – Ulamah Salaf


Are supplications to idols ever responded to? Imam Ibn Uthaymeen


Kabru Par Masajid Aur Islam – Imam Albani


Ghiar-ullah Sei Imdaad – Ulamah Salaf


Lessons of Creed Acquired From the Hajj – Guidance of the Proclamation is Warning Against Shirk


Shaytaan congregates for the Jumu’ah of the innovator


Blocking the routes


Difference between Kufr and Shirk

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