eBook Category: - DUA-ZIKR


Du’aa directly after the prayer is not legislated


Supplicating within prayer in other than Arabic language


Imaam performing supplication upon completing …


Prayer behind Imaam supplicating upon completing …


Wording of ‘Eed takbeer and is it done in unison


Prolonging the last prostration to make Du’aa


Al Ihsaan


Requesting others to make Du’aa could be blameworthy


Du’aa directly after the prayer is not legislated


Conditions for one’s du’aa to be answered


When you ask Allaah you are a winner in every situation


Reason for seeking forgiveness upon leaving toilet


Supplicating for people of falsehood instead of against them


Saying Ameen after reciting Al Faatihah outside of the prayer


Easy way to keep Devils out of your house


Amazing Du’aa after Fajr and Maghrib for protection from Shaitaan


Dhikr said between the two prostrations for forgetfulness


Raising the hands and wiping the face in Qunoot


There is no supplication a person can say that is better than …


The supplication of a person performing Hajj


Supplicating for an unbeliever


Refuge from the Fire and asking for Paradise seven times a day


Seeking refuge from four things


Saying “wa maghfiratuh”

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