Do you think the righteous do not commit sins?

يُنسَب إلى الإمام ابن القيم رحمه الله قوله:

“أتظن أن الصالحين بلا ذنوب؟! إنهم فقط: استتروا ولم يُجاهروا، واستغفروا ولم يُصرّوا، واعترفوا ولم يُبرّروا، وأحسنوا بعدما أساءوا.”

كما يُروى أن أحد السلف سُئل: “كيف أنت ودينك؟” فقال: “تمزّقه المعاصي، وأرقّعه بالاستغفار.”

Ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله said:

“Do you think the righteous do not commit sins?

They simply hid them and didn’t expose them…

And sought forgiveness for them and did not insist on them…

And admitted to them and did not justify them…

And did goodness after they did wrong..

One of the salaf was asked, “How is the relationship between you and your religion?”

He said, “it is shredded by sins, and I patch it with seeking forgiveness (isitighfār).

How excellent is the question
And how deep is the answer!.”

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