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Hadeeth Narrations


Hadeeth Narrations


Hadith Narrations


Hadith Narrations


Be aware of the Shaytan


Suffering from Hunger


Strive to teach the Book of Allah and Sunnah of the Prophet to your Children


Whoever prays Fajr in a congregation, after that sits and remembers Allah until the sunrises, following this he prays two rakah earns the reward of Hajj or Umrah


Don’t Despair – Repent for your Sins


Striving for One’s Family


Striving For One’s Family – Ka’b ibn ‘Ujrah


Signs of the Hour to Reflect upon


Bidah Warning


Seek from Allah in the Last Hour of Asr on Fridays


The Perpetual Wudu Dilemma


Aid the poor and the needy; support your communities and the da’wah whilst you are able…


Honour and Glory Belong To Allāh, to His Messenger and the Believers — ‘Umar Ibn Al-Khattāb said, “We are a people who Allah has honoured with Islam, so whenever we seek to be honoured through other than it, Allah will bring us humiliation.”


Sending Salat upon the Prophet SAWS


Urwah Ibn Az-Zubayr, “If you see a man performing a good deed, then know that he has …”


The jesting of Allah’s Messenger (salallāhu ‘alaihi wasallam) with his Companions, the limitations of joking, and the age with which the people will enter Paradise, their beauty and forms.


Fasting in Winter


“The death of a scholar…” – ‘Abdullāh ibn Mas’oud


The Rebuke for Spying & Having Suspicious Thoughts.


Helping one in Difficulty and Hardship

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