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Allah, The Oft-Forgiving, loves that we seek His forgiveness for our sins and shortcomings. O Muslims never despair from His mercy…


Allah gives duniya to the ones He loves and those he does not love – Allah gives emaan to only those whom He loves


A sin that causes submission is better than a good deed that causes pride


Hold fast to the Book and the Sunnah


The one who calls to what the Prophet came with is from his followers


Be in the World as if you are a Stranger or a Passing Traveler


Sending Salat upon the Prophet SAWS


Sa’at Al Istijabah


Hadith Narrations


Do not envy one another, do not hate one another, do not spy on one another…..


Be from among the truthful and Martyrs


📌Most only slander the people of Sunnah because they aren’t under the threat of being flogged. The wisdom behind this punishment is to prevent us from spreading accusations of immorality and to protect the honor of a Muslim which is sacred in Islam


Beware of Stinginess


Treatment of an illness by giving Charity




When a slave dies, Angels ask: What did he send forward of good deeds? While people ask: What wealth did he leave behind?


Hadith Narrations


Saudi Scholars Are Refuting Jama’tu Tableegh And They Kept Silent On Music Concert


Hadith Narrations


Hadith Narrations


When the wind blows


Whoever supplicates often…


The Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم) said: “I have left amongst you that which, if you were to cling to it, you will never go astray: The Book of Allāh, and my Sunnah.”


Hadith Narrations

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