Women’s Right in Islam

The purpose of this book is to explain to the reader in as concise a manner as possible, the basic rights of women in Islam with an awareness that much could be written in the days and years to come. This work may serve as a stepping-stone to a deeper study of the subject.
In the present work an attempt has been made to draw a realistic picture of the woman’s rights in Islam. The authoress, a practising young Muslimah has made an effort to see the subject for itself, rather than making comparisons with alien concepts; truth is left to speak for itself.
Conscious and unconscious prejudice against Islam has pervaded Western cultural notions ever since the time of the Crusades. The Western media has always misrepresented the rights of woman in Islam and painted a gloomy picture, not always innocently. The need for an accurate and more sympathetic understanding of the rights of women in Islam is indispensable for the present time, especially in the Western and Westernizing societies.
The book is a good effort in response to the moral necessity of the present time. The authoress has dealt with the subject with clarity of ideas and simplicity of expression. Insha Allah the book will benefit future generations
as well as present society as an aid to understanding the rights of women in Islam.

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