- Category: PROPHET's FAMILY
- Language: ENGLISH
- Format: DOC
Women in Muhammad’s Life by Prof. Hamed bin Mahmoud Sefratah
The first thing that meets the eye about women in Muhammad’s life (Peace be upon him) is the fact that he liberated her from blame for the Original Sin. She, alone, is not responsible for it. The Old Testament[1] reads: “She took of its fruit and ate, and she also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate.”
On the other hand, Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said that both of them committed the sin, adding that Adam assumes a large part of this responsibility. Adam disobeyed Allah[2]. Both of them committed the sin, then they repented and their repentance was accepted. Allah who created this universe is able to forgive those who repent and regret. There is no fact which makes Allah obliged to give birth to a son then let the disbelievers kill, torture, and crucify him in order to forgive them.
The claim that Allah killed His son as Abraham killed the ram instead of his son is simply unjust. Abraham went through a hard test and when he obeyed Allah, He gave him the ram as a grace from Himself, so ponder over this! Then, should the child bear a sin that he did not originally commit or hear about? Why should the woman bear the sin alone? The Old Testament says, “I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing; with pain you will give birth to children”.[3]
The Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said that the pain of pregnancy and childbirth gave women dignity in her children’s eyes[4]; as she bore the pains of pregnancy and delivery. He also stated that Paradise is under mothers’ feet. He (Peace be upon him) also said that kindness to mothers is greater than that to fathers and he repeated this thrice. [5]
Therefore, women have a very specific position in Prophet Muhammad’s (Peace be upon him) commandments. She is not meant just for fun or enjoyment as the case is in the West, nor does she have to wage a war in order to win some of her rights. Rather, she should be treated with love, care and compassion!!