Women in Islam: Refutation of Some Misconceptions

This book discusses the special place women have in the religion of Islam and seeks to address some of the many misconceptions and false propaganda published by those who are ignorant of this religion or harbour a malicious intent to purposely misrepresent this religion, some are:
*The state of women through the ages: women in the pre-Islamic Arab society; Indian society; Chinese society; Greek society; Roman society; traditional Jewish society; traditional Christian society; and modern secular society.
•Matters in which Men and Women are equal in Islam: in basic humanity; in application of obligations; in rewards and punishments in this worldly life and the hereafter; in ownership and the freedom of financial transaction; in preserving the honour and nobility; in mandatory education; and in bearing responsibility towards reforming the society.
•Women’s status and rights in various stages of life in the Muslim society: as a baby, child and young girl; as a sister; as a wife; as a mother; as kinsfolk and neighbour, and as a woman in general.
•Misconceptions about women’s rights and obligations in Islam and their refutation: on polygyny; on leadership and responsibility; on the marriage Contract and guardianship; on wife discipline; on honour killing; on divorce; on testimony; on inheritance; on blood money; on employment; and on Hijab (covering head and face).

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