Useful Ways of Leading a Happy Life

About the book: Useful Ways of Leading a Happy Life
1. Author’s Introduction
2. Iman and Righteous Deeds
3. Occupying Oneself with Some Activity or Useful Knowledge
4. Remembering Allah Much
5. Forgetting the Unpleasant Things that Have Passed
6. Imagining the Worst Situations
7. Firmness of the Heart and Reliance on Allah
8. Repelling Evil with Good
9. Do Not Let Grief and Worry Make Your Short Life Shorter
Sheikh AbdurRahman Sadi’s Introduction: There is no doubt that the bliss of the heart, its tranquillity and happiness, and the absence of grief and worry from it, is the goal of every individual. It is the means by which a happy, blissful and excellent life is achieved. There are means to achieve this; some of which are religious, some are natural and some are physical. These means are never gathered together except to the believers. The non-believers on the other hand, despite the fact that the earnest endeavours of their philosophers is to lead them to these means, even if they achieve them in certain aspects, they miss the way to them in several other aspects that are more beneficial, more permanent and better in yielding results.
I will mention in this treatise of mine the ways and means to achieve this lofty goal that is the quest of every individual. Some people are successful in following these ways, and therefore live a good and pure life and enjoy their life. Some woefully fail in following any of them, and they live a wretched and miserable life. Others lie
between these two extremes; by the level of their following these means, by that level do they live a good life. And it is Allah that guides to all that is good, and wards off all that is evil, and it is His Help we seek in this.

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