Unlock the Treasures of Barakah

Wealth is an important part of one’s life. For some, it is a means of happiness and contentment, for others it can become a means of their destruction. Wealth is considered to be acquired in one of two ways. Firstly, by thinking that financial success is due to one’s efforts or secondly going to the source of all wealth, i.e. Allah and acquiring your Rizq by turning to Him. In the first instance a person might receive wealth, but his earnings will be devoid of providing true inner fulfilment and satisfaction, whereas a person attaining wealth after turning to Allah first, will find that the same wealth to be a source of Barakah and happiness.
The objective of this book is to encourage all readers to try and expand our Rizq through Amal (good actions) and thereby live a life of happiness and tranquillity. Allah says in the Quraan: “As for that that male or female who does good and is a believer, we will certainly grant them a good (peaceful and contented) life (in this world) and most surely reward them (in the hereafter as well) for the good that they do.”
If we seek to acquire wealth primarily through our own endeavours or simply for amassing of wealth then that same wealth becomes a means of our destruction. Allah says in the Quraan. “Rivalry in amassing wealth has made you negligent (heedless of fulfilling Allah’s commands). Until you reach the grave. (And realise the futility of amassing wealth). Never (This rivalry will not benefit you) Soon you will come to know.”
Hoarded wealth will become a constant worry for a person and a means of anguish.
Therefore, after reading through this booklet, let us all endeavour to try and obtain our Rizq from Allah by doing those actions which will be a means for us to draw closer to Him. May Allah grant every one of us abundant Rizq and a life full of Barakah and contentment.

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