Towards the Light

In Rajab 1366 (May June 1947), the Imaam Al-Shaheed Hasan Al-Banna, sent this letter to Faruq 1st, King of Egypt and the Sudan, Mustafa Al-Nahaas Pasha, his then Prime Minister, and to the kings, princes, and rulers of the various countries of the Islamic world, as well as to a great number of civic and religious leaders in those countries:-
Your Excellency,
Allah had delegated the ruler ship of this nation to you, and has placed on you its interests, its affairs, its present and its future. as a trust. You are responsible for this before Allah (SWT). If the present generation are your tools, the coming generation will be your products. How mighty this trust, and how great this responsibility, that a man should be held answerable for a nation: ’Each of you is a shepherds and each is responsible for his flock.’
In ancient times, the Just Imaam (Umar Ibn Al-Khattaab) said: ’If a mule were to stumble in Iraq, would hold myself responsible for it before Allah (SWT), as to why I had not levelled the road for her.’ The Imam Umar depicted the immensity of his responsibility in a saying of his: ’How I wish that I could vacate my position, owing nothing and not being owed anything!’

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