The Truth About The Original Sin

The concept of “The Original Sin” in Christianity forms the corner stone out of which a cluster of beliefs like the God ship of Jesus, crucifixion and salvation have emerged. Therefore, it singles itself out as a good candidate to be studied.
The methodology that will be followed in this essay about “The Original Sin” involves two types of evidence. The first is to carry on the study based on all logical possibilities that would explain the truth value of “The Original Sin”. As a matter of fact, the writer heavily depended on arguments developed by Ibn Taymiyah – a thirteenth century prominent Muslim scholar. The second type of evidence used to study “The Original Sin” depended on drawing evidence from The Bible itself to reveal the truth of the concept in Christianity.
In doing so, it is ultimately left to the readers whom God has bestowed with intellect that distinguishes them from all other creatures to ponder, analyse, evaluate then decide for themselves.

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