The Superiority of the Mother Over the Father

The Superiority of the Mother Over the Father

From Abu Hurairah –RadhiAllaahu anhu- who said: A man came to the Messenger of Allaah -sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam- and said: ‘O Messenger of Allaah who from the people is the most deserving of my good companionship?
The Messenger -sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam- replied: ‘Your mother.’
The man said: ‘then who?’
The Messenger -sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam- replied: ‘Your mother.’
The man said: ‘then who?’
The Messenger -sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam- replied: ‘Your mother.’
The man said: ‘then who?’
The Messenger -sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam- said: ‘Your father.’

From al-Hasan that a man said to him: Indeed I made Hajj and indeed my mother has given me permission to perform another Hajj.’ So al-Hasan said: ‘To sit with her at her table is more beloved to me than your Hajj [i.e. optional Hajj]. [Collected in ‘Mukarim al-Akhlaaq’ p.227, taken from ‘Akhbar as-Salaf’ p.270].

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