The Story Of The Barbary Corsairs by Stanley Lane-Poole

This valuable work tells the story of what happened to the north africans after the loss of spain, it follows the course of turkeys rise in naval power, it also sheds light on the power of the north african sea faring nations from the 15th century onwards. A valuable book For more than three centuries the trading nations of Europe were suffered to pursue their commerce or forced to abandon their gains at the bidding of pirates. From the days when Barbarossa defied the whole strength of the Emperor Charles V., to the early part of the present century, when prizes were taken by Algerine rovers under the guns, so to say, of all the fleets of Europe, the Corsairs were masters of the narrow seas, and dictated their own terms to all comers. Nothing but the creation of the large standing navies of the present age crippled them ; nothing less than the conquest of their too convenient coasts could have thoroughly suppressed them. During those three centuries they levied blackmail upon all who had any trading interest in the Mediterranean. The Venetians, Genoese, Pisans in older days ; the English, French, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, and American Governments in modern times,

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