The Religion Of Ibrahim And The Calling of Prophets & Messengers (PBUT)

The Religion Of Ibrahim And The Calling Of The Prophets And Messengers and the Methods of the Transgressing Rulers in Dissolving it and Turning the Callers Away from it. We present to the English reader, Millat Ibrāhīm, by the noble Shaykh, Abu Muhammad Al-Maqdisī, may Allāh preserve him. This particular treatise has been an influential and significant book with many of the contemporary Islāmic groups intent upon forming an Islāmic state. Herein, the author draws several parallels between the form of idolatry in the time of the Messenger of Allāh (PBUH) and that which the apostate regimes have instituted from fabricated laws and methodologies of falsehood in the lands of the Muslims, which are the main obstacles to the formation of such a state.
The book touches upon the very basis of Tawhīd and the obligation of the slave not only to hold these false deities with contempt inwardly – be they idols made of stone, or trees, or stars or the man-made legislations – but outwardly as well. And while most Muslims are familiar with the concept of having enmity towards the polytheists (Mushrikīn) and their false deities, within their hearts, there seems to be a pervasive lack of awareness regarding the outward enmity and what is required to be demonstrated in terms of aggression and hostility and warfare. And so, as the author points out, although most Muslims are aware of certain aspects of the events of Ibrāhīm’s life, may the blessings of Allāh be upon him, the various points of his Millah, in terms of his enmity towards the people of Shirk and Kufr and his taking them and that which they worshipped as enemies, both inwardly and outwardly, remain unclear to most. Therefore, the reader is encouraged to pay close attention, throughout the book, to the Shaykh’s points because, although there are many excellent books available in English regarding Tawhīd, this particular aspect has not been covered in the detail that it deserves for the English reader.

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