The Prophet (SAW) & The Environment in Islam

Juristically speaking, Islamic legislation imposes some measures and restrictions in every aspect of a Muslim’s life, and a Muslim has to adapt every development of his age to such measures and restrictions. This includes respecting the human mind that Allah the Almighty has given him; in addition to trusting his ability of extracting the rulings that would amend his affairs. So, for example; no one can say that the Prophet (Peace be upon him) did not prohibit throwing chemical waste into rivers; because the Prophet (Peace be upon him) prohibited urinating and excreting in stagnant water as this was the then most prevailing water polluting factor. Therefore, banning such actions automatically entails all new means of pollution which were not present at that time.
The linguistic subtlety is that the Qur’an and Sunna did not use the same words to express the environmental terms that are used by those currently therewith. Yet, they expressed them by using other strong evidential words. Hence, the Qur’an and Sunna did not mention words such as “pollution” or “environmental balance”, but this does not mean that Islamic law did not tackle these two cases. This is because the Noble Qur’an expresses pollution; for example, by using words such as “corruption”, and gives a lot of warnings about this.
Further, the Qur’an refers to the “environmental balance” by the word “balance”, as Allah the Almighty is the One who “set up the scale” and prohibited people from transgressing (due) balance and that they fall not short in the balance. However, the first one is more fluent and is stronger than the second one in terms of evidence. Also, Islam expresses the idea of environmental balance by using words such as ‘amount’ and ‘estimation’ as Allah the Almighty created everything by proportion and measure as perfectly as it would ever be.

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