The Outstanding Answer About the Visitors of Graves by Ibn Taymiyyah

So wearing silk for men, plastering graves is not Haram but “Makruh Tahrimi” according to Ahnaf’s technical words, because these things are forbidden by Khabar Ahad. Yet these actions are forbidden. Its doer is sinful.
Shaykh Al-Islam wrote in one place: “As for what exceeds this like halting (beside the grave) for invocation for the Prophet (saw) with a lot of Salah and Salam send on him, then Malik considered it to be forbidden (Karihahu) and
he said: “This is an innovation, the Salaf did not use to do it, and the last part of this community will not be reformed except with what reformed its first part.”
In another place, he wrote about Imam Malik: “And he considered forbidden (Kariha) that one innovates there any kind of innovation, and he considered forbidden (Kariha) for a person to lengthen the standing and invocation beside
the grave of the Prophet (saw) because the Sahabah, may Allah’s pleasure be on them, would not do this, and Malik considered forbidden (Kariha) for the people of Madinah to go to the grave of the Prophet (saw) whenever they enter the mosque because the Salaf would not do this.”
And the innovation is forbidden and not merely disliked. So Imam Malik forbade halting beside the grave of the Prophet (saw) with a lot of Salah and Salam and lengthening the standing here.
Shaykh Albani also said in his “Tahzir As-Sajid” that when some Imams like Ash-Shafi’i said that plastering graves (Tajsis) was Makruh, it does not mean it is disliked, rather the word “Kariha” also means forbiddance.
Shaykh Albani wrote in p 34 of his “Tahzir” the ruling of constructions over graves: “The Madhab of the Shafi’iyah is that it a great sin. The jurist ibn Hajar Al-Haytami said in his “Zawajir ‘an Iqtiraf Al-Kabair” (1/120): “The great sin n° 93, 94, 95, 96, 97 and 98: taking graves as places of worship (mosques), lightening candles on them, taking it as an idol, doing Tawaf around it, touching it and praying towards it.”
Then he mentioned the Ahadith quoted before and others and he said p 111: “Note: these six great sins have been mentioned in the words of some Shafi’i scholars, it is as if they took it from the Ahadith I mentioned, and the reason for taking the grave as a place of worship (mosque) is clear among them (for being a great sin) as he cursed those who did this with the graves of their Prophets and he established those who do this with the graves of their saints as the worst of the creation in the sight of Allah (Ta’ala) on the day of judgment, and there is a warning as in the narration: “he was warning from what they did” meaning he was warning his community by saying this to them so they do not do like what these did, so they are cursed as they were cursed.

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