The Only Son offered for Sacrifice Isaac or Ishmael?

The relation of Umm al-Qura# [Makkah] with Abraham (pbuh) is a significant theme of the Qur’anic Da‘wah. The Prophet of Isla#m (pbuh) was raised from among Bani Ishma‘el, a branch of the descendants of Abraham (pbuh). They were settled in Makkah. Abraham (pbuh) had himself settled this branch of his descendants at this place. This is the site where he had offered his only son for sacrifice in the vicinity of al-Marwah. This son was Ishma‘el (pbuh) who was the ancestor of Allah’s Last Prophet, Muhammad (pbuh). The corruption made by the Jews in their scriptures had been mostly pertaining to these themes. They incorporated the name of Isaac (pbuh) in their scriptures as the only son offered for sacrifice in lieu of Ishma‘el (pbuh). They have created great confusion regarding the place of
Ishma‘el’s (pbuh) offering. They have also endeavoured to make the relation of Abraham (pbuh) with the sanctuary of
Makkah doubtful in every respect.
It was essential to bring all these corruptions to light to establish the reality upon the Jews and Christians beyond
any shadow of doubt. A renowned and great scholar, Imam Hamid al-Din Farahi, rendered this service. He wrote a booklet, al-Ra’y al-Sahih, fi man Huwa al-Dhabih, on this topic, in which he laid all the facts bare with most acceptable arguments.

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