The Manhaj Of Ahl As-Sunnah Wal-Jama’ah (The Obligation Of Holding Steadfast To The Book And The Sunnah)

This book is a chapter taken from the book “Al-‘Umdah Fī I’dād Al-‘Uddah Lil-Jihādi Fī Sabīlillāhi Ta’ālā (The Pillar Concerning the Making Ready The Preperation For Jihād In The Path Of Allāh, The Most High)”, called “Wujūb Al-I’tisām Bil-Kitābi Was-Sunnah (Manhaj Ahl as-Sunnah Wal- Jamā’ah) The Obligation Of Holding Steadfast To The Book And The Sunnah (The Methodology Of Ahl As-Sunnah Wal-Jamā’ah)”. This book was written by Imām ‘Abdul-Qādir Ibn ‘Abdil-‘Azīz, may Allāh free him from the prison of the tawāghīt.
This is the fourth chapter that has been translated from that book, after “Ma’ālim Asāsiyyah Fil-Jihād (Fundamental Concepts Regarding Al- Jihād)”, “Ar-Radd ‘Alā Shubhah Muta’alliqah Bil-Imārah (The Refutation of The Doubts Concerninf Leadership)”, and “Qasam Mu’askar At-Tadrīb (The Oath Of The Military Training Camp)”. The latter two were joined into one book in English due to their relation to each other.

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