Spanish Islam A History Of Moslems In Spain

THIS volume presents, for the first time, an English version of a notable work which has remained for half a century the standard authority upon an important and fascinating branch of medieval history.

Notwithstanding an assertion to the contrary which has found its way into several leading works of reference, Reinhart Dozy’s Histoire des Musulmans d’Espagne — originally published in 1861 — has never been reprinted, and, having consequently become scarce and costly, is little known except to historical specialists. The reason why no second edition was issued of a book at once so brilliant and so profound will be made apparent in the Biographical Introduction ; it is here only necessary to record the fact.

In 1874, however, a German translation of the Histoire was made under the direction of Dr. Wolf Wilhelm, Graf von Baudissin, and this version, to which Dozy contributed some emendations of the original, has frequently been consulted during the preparation of the present volume : a Spanish version (by F. de Castro, late Professor of Spanish History in the University of Seville), pub- lished in 1877, has also occasionally been found useful for purposes of reference.

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