Searching for Happiness

Happiness is a common goal that everyone strives to attain. Philosophers, intellectuals, doctors, and artists alike have all strived in search of the causes of happiness and ways to escape anxiety. However, the proposed solutions achieve only partial or superficial happiness. They are like drugs which only provide temporary relief; when their effect wears off, anxieties return twofold. This book invites you to ultimate happiness and will lead you to true success. Open your heart and mind, as the intelligent one is he who searches for the truth no matter where it lies.
An undeniable reality is that permanent happiness cannot be achieved except by believing in Allah The Creator—and following His Guidance. Since it is He who created mankind, He is the one who knows what pleases and benefits them, just as He knows what saddens and harms them. A number of psychologists have affirmed that only a religious person lives with true contentment and serenity. So, if believing in Allah leads to ultimate happiness, then how can this be achieved? What is the correct creed that Allah requires us to believe in and, in the end, pleases Him? And which one of these creeds guarantees us happiness in this life and in the hereafter?
This booklet provides the answer that the true and correct religion is Islam and that true happiness and contentment lies within it.

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