Towards the end of December, 1957, and in the beginning of January, 1958, an International Islamic Colloquium was held in Lahore under the auspices of the Punjab University in which a large number of distinguished and noted scholars of the Muslim world and Western countries took part. Quite a few outstanding Ulama representing Middle Eastern countries were there.
Despite having received an invitation to participate the writer was unable to reach Lahore until after the colloquium had ended. The points that had been raised during the colloquium continued to be debated by many people
May Allah al-Kareem al-Ghafoor have Mercy on all of us, save and protect us from the all evils, Forgive us our sins, keep us steadfast on His true Deen (as practised by our beloved Prophet SallAllāhu Alaihi wa Sallam, his Companions and the at-Taaba’een), Guide those of us who are Misguided, and unite the Ummah of the Prophet Muhammad SallAllāhu Alaihi wa Sallam, Aameen!