This is a time, in which we hope that Mercies (of Allah) descend upon us, Angels honor us, and Allah mentions us in the presence of those who are with Him – because this effort is in a time when the Fitan (trials, tribulations) are setting off, the day and night are unsettled, the (Straight) Path has become vague for many people, and many have been deviated from it. Our efforts here beings;
1. to listen to the Speech of Allah and the sayings of His Messenger
2. to understand (to have the Fiqah*1 of) them,
3. to know what as-Sabiqoon al-Awwaloon from the Muhajireen and the Ansaar (i.e., the Sahabah), and those who followed them in good were upon,
It is therefore, necessary that there be constant reminders of the Order of Allah and His Manhaj, which He has assigned for His Messenger (PBUH), the Sahabah and those who followed them in their Manhaj.