Precaution Secrecy And Concealment: Balancing Between Negligence And Paranoia

Shaykh Al-Islām Ibn Taymiyyah mentioned that it is permissible, and sometimes even obligatory, to imitate the infidels (or apostates) in the outwardly appearances, as in clothing and such, for beneficial purposes such as Jihād-related activity. He explained: “And from that which clarifies this, is that all of that which has been narrated for
imitating them, was only before the Hijrah; but afterwards, it was abrogated (i.e. forbidden), because the Jews at that time did not differentiate themselves from the Muslims in hairstyle, nor in clothing, nor in symbolic (appearances) and such.
Then, the order from Allāh for differentiation and to be distinguished from the infidels in the distinct characteristics and the outer (appearances) came after (the Hijrah), as is in the Book, Sunnah, and Ijmā’ – and it became noticeable during the Khilāfah of ‘Umar ibn Al-Khattāb (may Allāh be pleased with him).
And the reason for it (being prescribed after the Hijrah), is that it is not possible to be different from them, except with the dominance and supremacy of the Dīn, such as Jihād and the implementation of the Jizyah and humiliation upon them. Therefore, when the Muslims were weak in the beginning, it was not legislated for them to
differentiate themselves from them. But when the Dīn was completed and became dominant and supreme, it was legislated.

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