Latest DIVORCE- Talaq Books


Divorcing the wife four times, ignoring the limits of divorce


Repeating the pronouncement of divorce thrice intending to let the wife hear


Sending the father-in-law a letter informing him that his daughter is divorced and then sending a letter to the woman


Saying an implicit utterance of divorce thrice


Divorcing the wife thrice in writing


Repeating the word of divorce thrice on the same occasion while the wife is pregnant


Taking back the wife in marriage after divorcing her three times


Husband swearing to divorce his wife if he eats at his brothers’ houses, and his wife died, will this oath effective regarding the second wife?


Taking an oath of divorce that one’s wife will not study or teach and then changing his mind


Husband taking an oath of Talaq not to provide for his wife and then he sends her money


Husband taking the oath of Talaq to slaughter an animal for his guest and the guest taking a similar oath not to do


A man swearing by divorce that the writing is his, then recognizing that it is not


Husband swearing that his wife would become unlawful for him


Husband swearing by divorce thrice that his wife will not go to her family unless there is an excuse such as an illness or the like


A person concluding his marriage contract but the wife’s uncle took the contract and asked him for divorce and he did


Husband taking an oath of divorce while intending divorce


Taking oaths of divorce repeatedly


A man saying to his nephew that his wife will not be united with him in marriage if he sets foot in his house


A man swearing that the food will be unlawful for him if the host slaughtered an animal, but he did


Saying that one’s wife will be unlawful for him if he returns to Al-Ta’if except in the summer


Husband swearing of divorcing his wife if he marries his sister to a certain person, then agreeing after knowing the reality of this person


A man taking an oath not to marry his cousin, then he marries her


Husband swearing to divorce his wife if she sees his sister at her house. Is this divorce effective if his sister comes to his house?


Husband taking an oath that his wife will be unlawful for him if his son does not dine with them, and he did not

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