Latest - Permanent Committee of Major Scholars Books


Making inquiries about the suitor before the engagement


Should a woman break off the engagement if the suitor is not a practicing Muslim?


Relatives are not allowed to reject a suitor, if a woman and her guardian accepted him


Khulwah for the engaged couple


What is permissible for a man to see from his fiancee?


Repeated looks at the fiancee


Khulwah with the fiancee


The engaged couple staying alone


Shaking hands with the fiancee


Going out alone with the fiancee


Marrying a woman without knowing her


Kissing the fiancee


The wife hiding non-virginity due to an accident from the husband


Validity of marriage to a woman who turns out to be not virgin -Fatwa 12898


Asking husband about his wife’s virginity


Validity of marriage to a woman who turns out to be not virgin -Fatwa 12314


Six months as the least duration for pregnancy


Is it permissible for a sterile man to marry?


Marrying a sterile person


A man hiding his sterility from his wife


Marriage of an impotent man


Informing the suitor about the woman’s psychological problems


Wife embracing Islam before her husband


Someone entering Islam while married to women unlawful to marry

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