Latest Books


Refusing to marry a man who shaves


Misyaar marriage


Placing parents in a rest home


Keep your homes clean and organised


Dealing with relatives who are upon innovation


Daughters more difficult to raise than boys today


I can’t wake my children up for Fajr prayer


Bringing up children


I am not able to complete my recitation


Complete the recitation of the Qur’aan every month


Placing glue on the torn pages of the Mus_haf


Should I recite aloud when completing my prayer


Sunnahs are to be prayed after the dhikr


Recitation in Friday prayer coinciding with the topic of the sermon


Praying behind Imaam who permits music


The nearness of Paradise and the Hellfire


People will enter Paradise with hearts like birds


What is obligatory on new Muslim to do and abandon


Refutation that Shaykh ‘Abdil-Wahhaab made takfeer


I do not have a Facebook page


Do not circulate what disbelievers said about Prophet


Are witnesses needed for a non Muslim to take Shahahdah


Are scholars in latter days better than some Companions


Work for your worldly affairs as though you will live forever…

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