Latest Books


Allaah is the Rabb and thus He alone deserves all worship – Alamah Muhammad Aman al-Jami


The seven conditions of Tawheed


To put one’s trust in another than Allaah – Shaykh Ferkous Al Qoobee


Conditions of ‘La ilaha ‘illa Allaah’ – Alamah Hafiz Al Hakami


Carrying pocket-sized copies of the Mus-haf for protection against envy or the envious eye


How to be cured from an evil eye – Ulama Salaf


Influence of Jinn and mankind on one another and the envier on the envied


Reciting Soorah Al-Ikhlaas, Al-Mu`awwidhatayn, and Al-Faatihah … Ulama Salaf


Visiting the graves of Aawliyaa’ and asking them to fulfil one’s needs – Ulama Salaf


Slaughtering animals at the graves of Aawliyaa’ – Ulama Salaf


Slaughtering animals to entertain guests or out of generosity towards one’s family


Slaughtering animals for a so-called Walee and building a shrine over his grave – Ulama Salaf


Prostrating and slaughtering animals at graves – Ulma Salaf


Undesirability of making vows – Ulama Salaf


Seeking help from and making vows to the Aawliyaa’ or supplicating to Allah by virtue of their status


Believing in the permissibility of making vows and slaughtering for the dead – Ulama Salaf


Seeking the help of the Prophets and Aawliyaa’ – Ulama Salaf


Invoking the Messenger or other people when standing or sitting – Ulama Salaf


Seeking help from the Jinn to fulfil one’s needs – Ulama Salaf


Supplicating to Allaah – Ulama Salaf


Supplicating to Allaah by His Most Beautiful Names – Ulama Salaf


Slaughtering for other than Allaah and seeking the help of the dead and the absent – Ulama Salaf


Supplicating to Allaah by virtue of the status of the Messenger, the Sahabah and Others


Supplicating to other than Allaah – Ulama Salaf

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