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Blocking the Routes – Imam Ibn UUthaymeen


Whosoever openly manifests Shirk is a Mushrik – Alama Al Fawzan


Uttering of “La Illaha ila Allaah” with shirk does not benefit – Shaykh Abdul Latif Aal Ash Shaykh


Those who call upon the dead in graves; do we eat their slaughter? Alama Al Fawzan


Praying behind followers of bid’ah, whether that bid’ah amounts to kufr or not – Ulama Salaf


Performing Hajj on behalf of person who died on shirk – Alama Al Fawzan


Muslim falls into Shirk; does he encompass both Tawheed and Shirk? Alama Al Fawzan


Worse to believe in false prophet or Shirk in worship – Shaykh Sulaiman Ibn Sahmaan


Is requesting du’aa from the dead Major or Minor Shirk? Alamah Ahmad an-Najmi


Difference between major and minor shirk – Alama Abdul Aziz Al Ash Shaykh


Hajj of a person who commits major shirk unknowingly – Shk Saleh As Suhaymee


Shirk of the polytheists to whom the Prophet was sent – Imam Ibn Uthaymeen


When is slaughtering for someone other than Allaah regarded as shirk? Imam Ibn Uthaymeen


Shirk and its types – Ulama Salaf


Charms and amulets – Ulama Salaf


Omens – Ulama Salaf


Belief in Allaah – Ulama Salaf


Invoking the Prophet’s honour or parents’ pleasure upon rising from …


Tawassul through the Aawliyaa – Ulama Salaf


Visiting the graves of pious people – Ulama Salaf


Praying in a shrine seeking blessings from the Walee


Praying in a Masjid containing a grave and honouring the dead – Ulama Salaf


Building Masjids over the graves of the Aawliyaa – Ulama Salaf


Taking graves as places of worship – Ulama Salaf

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