Latest Books


Volume 1: Soothsaying – Seeking help from the jinn to fulfill one’s needs


Volume 1: Soothsaying – Fortunetelling


Volume 1: Major Shirk – The meaning of: And do not marry Al-Mushrikat


Volume 1: Major Shirk – Difference between major Shirk and minor Shirk


Volume 1: The major sins – Shaving the beard and letting clothes trail


Volume 1: Major Shirk – Invoking other than Allah such as Jinn, the dead and absentees and those who follow idolatrous conventions


Volume 1: Minor Shirk – Getting rid of Showing Off / Riya


Volume 1: Minor Shirk – Expressing Pride in being Knowledgeable to others


Volume 1: The intention – Complete reward for seeking Allah’s nearness by deeds


Volume 1: The intention – Paying for a charitable project to please one’s boss, not Allah


Volume 1: Major Shirk – Invoking Allah’s Peace upon the Messenger while facing his grave and deeds of major and minor Shirk


Volume 1: Minor Shirk – Striving to follow Allah’s Orders and abstaining from His Prohibitions


Volume 1: Major Shirk – Why did Allah create all creatures


Volume 1: Major Shirk – Salah behind someone who invokes other than Allah


Volume 1: Major Shirk – Obeying Allah in His Legislations


Volume 1: Minor Shirk – Refraining from a deed because of people


Volume 1: Major Shirk – Violating `Aqidah out of ignorance


Volume 1: Taghut Meaning and ruling – Judging by laws other than those revealed by Allah


Volume 1: Minor Shirk – Swearing by other than Allah


Volume 1: Major Shirk – Manifestations of Shirk in Muslim communities


Volume 1: Taghut Meaning and ruling – Seeking judgment from Shari`ah and not from tribal rules


Volume 1: Taghut Meaning and ruling – Pursuing lawsuits under a non-Muslim government


Volume 1: Taghut Meaning and ruling – Interpretation of Ayah They wish to go for judgment (in their disputes) to the Taghut


Volume 1: Taghut Meaning and ruling – Obligation of appealing to the Qur’an and the Sunnah for legal rulings in case of disputes

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