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Trailing the hem of a garment for a woman


Woman cutting her hair


Woman dancing in front of her husband or in front of other women


Is it permissible for a woman to pray without socks?


Women praying on upper or lower floors while not seeing the Imaam


Best for a woman to pray in the mosque if there is a beneficial class


It is not permissible for a woman to pray with her feet uncovered


A post-pubescent woman invalidates other woman’s prayer …


A woman is allowed to take public transportation or a taxi by herself …


Woman driving alone in taxi with male-driver


Woman who has to make up fasts, Ramadhaan comes in


Wearing Hair in a Bun at the Back of the Head Under the Hijaab


Women Praying Taraaweeh at the Mosque


Women dancing among themselves


Women fighting alongside men


Not limiting the performance of tayammum to soil alone


Du’aa after Wudoo


Passing hands over long hair whilst performing wudoo


Wiping the khimaar and turban replace wiping over the ears?


Let whoever eats meat perform ablution [wudoo]


When a person forgets to say Allaah’s name when performing wudoo ..


Angel spending night with you if sleeping with wudoo


Performing dry-ablution [tayammum] in prison


Praying and then remembering never had wudoo

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