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‘Ishaa Prayer but Maghrib not prayed yet


Placing the hands back on the chest after the Rukoo’


We don’t have to look at a certain spot during rukoo`


Pulling someone from the first row back to pray in the second row


Reciting the Adhaan and the Iqaamah when praying alone


Reward for the opening takbeer in prayer for forty days


The ruling of the Prayer in which tight fitted clothing is worn


The ruling on holding a second congregational prayer


Legislation of placing hands on chest while standing before Rukoo’ and …


The Istikhaara Prayer


Saying Aameen aloud after reciting Faatihah


Sufficing with one tasleem in the prayer


Revive a Sunnah: Saying, ‘Sami’a-llaahu liman hamidah,’ in the …


A summary of placing the hands back on the chest after the Rukoo’


The traveller praying a different prayer behind a resident Imaam


The prohibition of burying people in houses


When should “Prayer is better than sleep” be stated?


Who knows the most Qur’aan should lead prayer


Facing the Imaam during the Khutbah is the confirmed Sunnah


Basmalah after Surat ul-Faatiha


Is it permissible for a woman to pray without socks or with a short …


Imaam forgets to read al-Faatihah and only remembers when in Rukoo’


Walking to get to the sutrah


When does a person praying behind an Imaam start to give salaam?

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