Latest Books


Calling to the truth is coupled with answering those who spread …


Concerning politics


Excelling in studying a madhhab does not make you a scholar


Establishing proof against and keeping away from people of innovation


Following the understanding of the Salaf


I am a Salafee


Is a person who commits suicide a Kaafir?


Is it allowed for a Muslim woman to kill herself for fear of being raped?


Is it allowed to backbite someone who is defiantly disobedient ?


Is it okay to go out for Da’wah [Khurooj] with the Tableeghee Jamaa’aah?


Enjoining the good and forbidding the evil


Distinction between praying behind innovators and mixing with them


Is it permissible to defame a companion of Bida’ or to speak …


The issue of giving advice before spreading a refutation


The legislated way of honouring the Prophet


Loving the Messenger


Imaam Mahdee will not do more than the Prophet did


Making (Hajr) boycotting the Ahl-ul-Bida’


Consequence of the one who does not believe in the Prophet


Using the word Salafee


The meaning of ‘actions are only judged by intentions’


The Sharee’ah is all that is collected on that specific issue


Miracle of a Prophet and a Walee


A new form of extremism, hizbiyyah, hatred and hostility

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