Latest - Permanent Committee of Major Scholars Books


Returning the Mahr to the man’s heirs if he dies before concluding the marriage contract


Giving up Mahr already fixed by the villagers


Woman’s right to take or give up her Mahr


Avoiding asking for huge amounts of Mahr


Taking a woman’s permission before taking from her Mahr


Father taking his daughter’s Mahr with her consent


Forcing a woman to marry someone and the Mahr being her right


Father stipulating the payment of money other than the Mahr


Miscellaneous Fatwas (Safar) – Female students traveling without a Mahram


Dhul-Qa`dah Fatwas – Maids performing Hajj with campaigns without Mahrams


Marrying a woman without paying Mahr


Offering Mahr in the form of commodity


Wife deserving the entire Mahr if the marriage has been consummated


Remaining Mahr as wife’s right in her deceased husband’s property


Mahr as a debt which must be paid


Full Mahr as the woman’s right if the husband dies before consummating marriage


Is it lawful to delay the Mahr or part of it?


Is it permissible to delay the Mahr or part of it?


Mahr as not a pillar in the marriage contract


Should the amount of Mahr be mentioned in the marriage contract?


Agreeing on specifying the amount of the Mahr


Delaying a part of Mahr


Borrowing to pay Mahr


Small Mahr like a ring

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