Obstacles To Khushoo’, Virtues of Prayer at Home and in the Mosque

1. Weak Eemaan in the Meeting with Allaah
Allaah the Exalted said: Seek help with patient perseverance and prayer. Indeed it is hard except upon those who are humble and submissive. Those who know with certainty that they are to meet their Lord and that to Him they will return. Allaah the Exalted has explained one of the characteristics of the khaashi’een (those who are humble and submissive, filled with awe) that they are the ones who are fully certain that they will indeed meet their Lord,
the Sublime, and that they will return to Him.
This is knowledge of the meeting with Allaah and the final return to Him. Any deficiency in this knowledge is deficiency in khushoo’. This belief (in the meeting with Allaah) will make you hold yourself to account by necessity so that you are made to beautify the prayer and your conduct is corrected and made upright.
2. The Whispering of Shaytaan
Abu Hurairah (radiallaahu anhu) reported that the Messenger of Allaah (S) said: “When the call to prayer is made,
Shaytaan flees on his heels and passes wind with noise during his flight so that he does not hear the adhaan. When the adhaan is completed he comes back. When the iqaamah is pronounced he takes to his heels again until it is
completed. Then he returns again and whispers into the heart of the person (so that the person starts thinking about other things) and says to him: Remember this and remember that. So the person remembers those things which were not in his mind before the prayer began and as a result he forgets how much he has prayed.”
3. Heedlessness and the Hawaa (whims).
4. Excessive Concern with the World.
5. Abandoning the Mosque and the Congregational Prayer.

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