The deception of Abdullaah Faisal al-Jamaykee is still in full flight, we have come across a video wherein ’Abdullaah Faisal al-Jamaykee, in his hatred for the manhaj of the Salaf, has clearly demonstrated that his cantankerous views, along with his takfeeree temerity, have not changed one iota. Indeed, as the saying goes: you can’t teach an old dog new tricks! What Faisal and his ilk seem to be incapable of understanding is that it is the manhaj of the Salaf that is being defended not corrupt oppressive rulers, this has never been the reality of the issue only within the unhinged mind of the fake Shaykh of Jamaica, Abdullaah el-Faisal.
Like other new-age takfiri activists, Faisal al-Jamaykee has even stooped to the level of cursing the illustrious Sahaabee’ Abdullaah Ibn ’Abbaas (radi Allaahu ’anhu) and describing him as “having many mistakes”!?1 What is also strange is that Faisal’s new-found supporters, headed by the ignoramus Yoosuf al-Khattaab2, see nothing wrong in this?