Khabbab Bin AI-Aratt – The Teacher

Most houses of Makkah and other major cities contained one or more slaves to serve a master or a mistress. Some of these slaves were professionals and were forced to work hard in order to pay a share of their earnings to their masters or mistresses.

One of those slaves is our hero, Khabbab bin Al-Aratt RA, He was taken as a slave while he was still a boy and sold in the slave market to a midwife in Makkah. When he became a young man, he was spending most of his day before a furnace melting steel to make swords and spears.

When Islam entered his heart, he became an example of sacrifice and devotion in defending the message of Islam.
Let us read about this great man, and try to learn a lesson through his struggle. We are in great need to learn how such great men built a state and civilization that ruled many parts of the world for hundreds of years.

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