Five Ground Rules For The Achievement Of Victory Or Its Absence

This book is taken from a chapter within the book “Al-‘Umdah Fī I’dād Al-‘Uddah Lil-Jihādi Fī Sabīlillāhi Ta’ālā”, “The Pillar Regarding Making Ready The Preparation For Jihād In The Path of Allāh Ta’ālā”, by Imām ‘Abdul-Qādir Ibn ‘Abdil-‘Azīz. The Chapter is entitled “Al-Usūl Al-Khamsah Li-Tahaqquq Sunnat An Nasr Aw Takhallufihā”, “The Five Ground Rules for the Achievement of the Tradition of Victory or Its Absence”. Our work in this book was mainly translating it, but there were also a few footnotes added for clarity. Any footnote added will be preceded by “Trans. Note”. Also, there are many instances where the Imām would mention a Verse, then mention the Sūrah in which the Verse is located, but not mention the Verse number. We have added the Verse numbers, but not preceded this with the previous addition, as it seemed unnecessary. We also added the title “Conclusion and Follow-Up Discussion” near the end in order to differentiate the five ground rules from the Imām’s discussion afterwards. We ask Allāh to reward the Imām and us, as well as make this work beneficial for the Muslims.
And they are: The first: That victory is in the Hand of Allāh, Ta’ālā, Alone. The Second: That Allāh, Ta’ālā, promised His Believing slaves victory over their enemy in the Dunyā. The Third: That this promise of victory is only for the People of Complete Īmān, and for every Believer is his share of this promise according to the amount of his Īmān. The Fourth: That the absence of this promise means the absence of its Īmānī conditions. The Fifth: That if this promise is absent, then the slave doesn’t become deserving of it unless he changes his state in order to complete the conditions of this promise.

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