This set of volumes introduce Arabic Readers to one of the most seminal genres of Muslim religious literature, namely, the hadith commentary. No serious translations at present exist from this voluminous and influential body of writing, given that there are few hadith which can be understood adequately without reference to the often complex debates which have taken place concerning them between the scholars. These discussions have included investigations of the precise linguistic and lexicological meaning of the Prophetic speech, studies of the Isnad, debates over the circumstances surrounding the genesis of each hadith (asbab al-wurud), and issues of abrogation by stronger or later hadiths or by Qur’anic texts. Sufyan ibn ‘Uyayna, the great early hadith scholar, used to remark: al-hadith madilla illa li’l-‘ulama’: ‘the hadith are a pitfall, except for the scholars.’
For this reason, no Muslim scholar of repute uses a hadith before checking the commentaries to ascertain its precise meaning, context, and application.
The importance of this literature may be gauged by the fact that at least seventy full commentaries have been written on Imam al-Bukhari’s great Sahih. The best-known of these include al-Kawakib al-Darari by Imam Shams al-Din al-Kirmani (d. AH 786), ‘Umdat al-Qari by Imam Badr al-Din al-‘Ayni (d.855), and the Irshad al-Sari by Imam Ahmad ibn Muhammad al-Qastallani (d.923).
However the most celebrated is the magnificent Fath al-Bari (‘Victory of the Creator’) by Imam Ibn Hajar al-‘Asqalani, a work which was the crown both of its genre and of the Imam’s academic career. It is appreciated by the ulema for the doctrinal soundness of its author, for its complete coverage of Bukhari’s material, its mastery of the relevant Arabic sciences, the wisdom it shows in drawing lessons (fawa’id) from the hadiths it expounds, and its skill in resolving complex disputes over variant readings.
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Fath Al-bari ARABIC Volume 001 (This file is too large to preview)
Fath Al-bari ARABIC Volume 002 (This file is too large to preview)
Fath Al-bari ARABIC Volume 003 (This file is too large to preview)
Fath Al-bari ARABIC Volume 006 (This file is too large to preview)
Fath Al-bari ARABIC Volume 008 (This file is too large to preview)
Fath Al-bari ARABIC Volume 010 (This file is too large to preview)
Fath Al-bari ARABIC Volume 011 (This file is too large to preview)