Fataawaa of Shaikh Al-Albaanee

This book is a compilation of all the fataawaa (religious verdicts) given by the late Imaam, Muhammad Naasir-ud-Deen Al-Albaanee, rahimahullaah, in Al-Asaalah Magazine (Issues 1-21), with the exception of two short fataawaa that were excluded. Al-Asaalah Magazine is an Arabic publication that was started in Jordan by several of Imaam Al-Albaanee’s students in the early 1990’s in order to promote the Salafi Da’wah and connect the Muslim world to the major scholars and their students. The magazine is highly acclaimed by the people of knowledge in all parts of the world and is distributed worldwide. The current editorial staff as of this year include Mash-hoor Hasan Salmaan, Muhammad Musa Nasr, ‘Alee Ibn Hasan Al-Halabee and Saleem Al-Hilaalee who is the present Editor-in-Chief.

One of the most important sections of the magazine that appeared in every publication was the Fatwa section in which the Shaikh and Muhaddith of our era, Muhammad Naasir-ud-Deen Al-Albaanee answered questions that were presented to him. These questions range on various subjects and are beneficial for the Muslims in all parts of the world. This is why we felt a strong need to translate these fataawaa, collect them and put them into one book. We also organized the fataawaa into different sections, so as to make the material easily accessible to the readers. So you will find that the fataawaa that appeared in one issue will be dispersed throughout the book into its respective section, according to its topic.

A biography of Imaam Al-Albaanee is included as well as chapters on the statements of the scholars about him and a translation of the most important parts that occurred in his Last Will and Testament.

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