Encouraging Harmony and Wisdom in Dawah and Warnings from Discord

Allaah subhaana wa t’ala has made this deen victorious through the sahaabah, who opened the hearts of the people with knowledge, guidance and faith, just as they conquered other countries with the swords of the truth. They used all that they were given of strength and wealth, as well as their own lives in this cause, and because of this, they were able to accomplish the goal that Allaah, subhaana wa t’ala had intended for this religion, and that is that it
is victorious over all other religions.
And this religion is based upon knowledge and guidance, not upon ignorance and greed / desires, which are widespread in many countries in these times. They have methodologies that are not based upon the Qur’aan and the Sunnah. Rather, they are based upon desires, except of course those whom Allaah has blessed and saved to follow the correct methodology. The Islamic University of Madeenah realised this, it realised the state of these countries, and this is why they invite students from all around the world, in order that they learn the correct ‘‘aqeedah and methodology, and then return to their countries and give da’wah to it.
And what is waajib upon us, is to follow the book of Allaah, subhaana wa t’ala and the sunnah of the Messenger of Allaah, (alayhi salat wasalaam), and that we hold fast to it, that we cling on to it, that we bite onto it with our molars, as the messenger of Allaah, (S) said when he gave a great admonition to the sahaabah that caused eyes to shed tears and filled the hearts with fear. So they asked him, (S), for advice. They said
‘O Messenger of Allaah, it is as if you are leaving us, it is as if this is a farewell sermon, so Advise us.’
He, (S) said ‘I advise you to have taqwaa.’

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