Ease & Tolerance: Two beautiful, intrinsic qualities of Islam

Islam is the religion that God revealed to all Prophets and Messengers from Prophet Adam, may God exalt his mention, to Prophet Muhammad r[1]. God, the Exalted, says: “Indeed the only acceptable religion in the sight of God is Islam.”(3:19).
Each prophet called his people to the belief in the Oneness of God and to dedicate all acts of worship to God alone, without associating partners to Him.
The last of all these prophets and messengers was Prophet Muhammad r. He was sent after a long period of no prophet being sent to any people. He is the last of all Prophets and Messengers. His Message is the last of all divine messages to humankind. It holds many distinguishing features that make it unlike previous messages. It holds accommodating rulings for all of the events that have come to pass and that will come to pass until the end of time.
The Message of Prophet Muhammad r is also inclusive of all matters that relate to an individual, his society, and how to interact with those around him. It is also suitable for all times and places.
Tolerance is a distinguishing component of the Islamic faith, as discussed in this book. Ease and tolerance are the foundation of the Islamic system of law is because it is a divine legal system, which takes into consideration the emotional make-up of man and their abilities. Allah, the Exalted, says:
“He has chosen you and has not placed upon you in the religion any difficulty.”(22:78).
The Islamic system of law is indeed a just system that is fair, easy to apply, and works to alleviate difficulties.

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