Do the Jinn Have Any Effect on Mankind

Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymîn: What is obligatory upon the man is to avoid touching women meaning to crowd (women) where his body touches/attaches to their bodies even behind a barrier. As that is a call to fitna and the human is not infallible, as he could see himself to be cautious regarding these matters and not being affected by it however;

“Shaytân circulates in the body of a son of Adam as his blood circulates in it.” (Bukhârî).

So perhaps he makes a move that will corrupt his way. Therefore, if the human is compelled into this like a necessity that is inevitable and he is diligent knowing that he will not be affected (by the fitna) then I hope that there’s no harm upon him. However in my opinion I think that he is not forced into this an inevitable necessity as he can look for a place that is not near a woman even if he stood up . And by that he will get rid of this matter that will bring fitna. And what is an obligation is that he fears Allâh Almighty the best way he can and not belittle these matters. And we also hope from those who organize the means of transportation to make a specific place for women so men cannot reach them.

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