Islamic Creed Series (Vol 1-8) Complete Series

This package includes all 8 volumes of the Islamic Creed Series. These deeply written books explain, thoroughly, all the creeds and fundamentals of Islam, like the beliefs, the unseen creations, and the hereafter. They are written in an easy-to-understand method, and cover all of the creeds that are essential to being a Muslim. -The first is Belief in Allah. Belief in Allah is the most important aspect of being a Muslim. It is a fundamental belief in Islam. But many Muslims have allowed, through different philosophies and mythologies, for distorted concepts of Allah to creep into their minds. Al-Ashqar discusses these concepts, affirms the Oneness of Allah, and proves the theory of evolution wrong in the first part of the Islamic Creed Series. -The second volume is The World of the Noble Angels. We all know that angels exist. But who are they? What are they? And what role do they play in our society? -The third volume is The World of Jinns and Devils. There are creatures beyond humans, different from humans. In their creation, in their attributes, and even in their traits. The Jinns are a small portion of these creatures. -The fourth book in the series is The Messengers and the Messages. Messengers are humans, just like us, sent from Allah to help us be better people and to guide us to the straight path. Belief in all the messengers is an important part of being a Mu’min, or believer. -The fifth book is The Minor Resurrection. What happens after death? When will our world end? What are the signs? These are questions roaming around so many peoples’ minds. The answer to these are in his book, directly produced from the Qur’an and the Sunnah. -The sixth book is The Day of Resurrection. We all know that this is a subject that is vital to every believing men and women. -The seventh book in the Islamic Creed Series is Paradise and Hell. -The eighth and final book in the series is Divine Will and Predestination. Is this is a matter which is directly relevant to the day-to-day life of Muslims, or is it an obscure topic best left to the debates of philosophers and theologians? Does it imply that Muslims are “fatalists” who see themselves as helpless in the hands of an indifferent fate? Attitudes towards the divine will and predestination have always influenced Muslims’ daily activities. In this book Dr. Umar S. al-Ashqar explores this topic in depth explaning it in clear terms for the ordinary Muslim. Drawing always on the Qur’an and Sunnah, and on the words of the greatest scholars such as Ibn Taymiyah, he covers some of the historical debates that took place within the ummah on this matter, explains the correct view, that of Ahl as-Sunnah wal Jamaa’ah.
The true Islamic concept of Divine Will and Predestination is an empowering notion. Whilst all that happens takes place within the framework of divine will, man has freedom of choice within those parameters. This is a matter which is of interest and concern for all Muslims, one which will bring many benefits, both in this world and in the hereafter.

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