Dajjal: The Judeo-Christian ‘Civilization’

The coming of the one-eyed giant, the Dajjal, has remained the topic of numerous discussions and debates in Moslem households all over the world. However, the actual understanding of this enigmatic phenomenon remains as elusive to us as it was to the Companions of the Messenger of Allah so many centuries ago. It all began when Mohammad (s.a.s), the final and the greatest Messenger of Allah, told about the arrival of a giant on earth during the later time (Akheri Zamana), an event he has referred to as the greatest ever in the life of mankind.
To give his people, his ‘Ummah’, both of his time and of the future, a better idea and understanding of this fearsome entity, he has described in great detail what it, the Dajjal, would look like, its activities in this world, what tremendous power it would yield over the world and the destiny of Man and he talked of its demand to be accepted as the lord or ‘rub’ of mankind. He has called this character the ‘Dajjal’, an Arabic word used to describe something or someone deceptive, something very attractive to look at, but is actually despicable a dazzling impostor. The Messenger of Allah has also said that this giant would have sight in one eye only, the other would be blind. Common sense tells us, it can be no living being, for its vehicle is to have one foot in the east and the other in the west, see and hear what is said in a whisper on the other side of the world, and so forth. Among the thousands of ‘Hadis’ or Hadis s attributed to the Messenger of Allah, those concerning the Dajjal occupy a position of great import and significance, deemed as it has been as the gravest danger to ever face mankind. The Hadis regarding the Dajjal are as thought provoking as they are frightening since they speak of a giant that will see with only one eye yet have the power to bring the whole world under its control and in so doing lead a great number of people astray. In one such Hadis, the Messenger of Allah has stated ‘From the Creation of Adam to the Judgment Day, there is no other event as grave and alarming the as the Dajjal.’1 He goes on to state that- ‘There has been no Messenger from the time of Noah (a.s.) who has not warned his followers about the Dajjal.’ 2 And to further stress on its importance, and as an after thought the Messenger of Allah himself sought refuge with Allah from the malaise of the Dajjal.3

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