Conversion – An Intellectual Transformation

Conversion in Islamic takes place in a person’s life as a result of intellectual revolution or spiritual transformation. The Islamic ideal of conversion is for the individual to discover the truth after an exhaustive
search for it and then by his own choice, abandon one religion for another.
During his final phase in 6 A.H., the Prophet Muhammad, may peace be upon him, sent letters to the neighbouring rulers of his time, by which they were directly invited to accept the message of Islam. The Prophet wrote these words to the Byzantine Emperor Heraclius I: “Accept Islam and you will be blessed with peace.” Similarly
at any gatherings which took place in Makkah, the Prophet would make a point of going to that place and address the assembled people thus: “O people, say there is no god but God and you will attain God’s grace.”
This was an invitation to a transformation in thinking, and not a change of religion in the simple sense. In the first phase of Islam, some Arab Bedouins had accepted Islam just by reciting the kalima, the creed of Islam, while they had not undergone any change in character at a deeper level. The Qur’an admonished them in strong terms: “The Arabs of the desert say ‘We believe.’ Say. “You have not believed yet; but rather say, ‘We have accepted Islam, for the true faith has not yet entered into your hearts.’”(49:14). Thus we learn that conversion according to
Islam means a thorough transformation of the person and not just a change of religion in the everyday sense.

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