Comparison between Islam, Christianity and Judaism

This is an Arabic book makes a comparison between Islam, Christianity and Judaism through doctrine of each of them.
Muslim, Christian or Jew need to free themselves from partisanship and their desires when choosing what is more deserving to be followed, as this decision will be a proof against them on the Day of Judgment, in front of Allah.
I ask Allah to guide us all to the truth that has no doubt, and that He expand our chest and that He enables us to tread upon the path of truth, His path, until the day we meet Him; indeed He is the One who is capable of doing it.
Who are “The People of The Book”? The term The People of The Book in brief refer to the Christians and the Jews who were recipients of the “heavenly religions” respectively.
There is little doubt that these faiths had been altered and have deviated from their original course, and by doing so, were no longer within the guidance that God Almighty had chosen for human kind.
What ties the Christians to the Jews and what are the similarities between the two?
Before looking furthers one must note that the Christians and the Jews are in opposition of one another and have severe enmity between them and so unifying them is impossible.
One of the main causes for these irreconcilable differences is their differing creeds, as the Christians believe in the divinity of Christ and say that he is one of three in the trinity, claiming that he was crucified and killed on the cross at the hands of the Jews, he was then resurrected from the dead and raised to heaven.
The Jews in turn completely deny the prophet-hood of Jesus claiming that he was illegitimately born out of wedlock, and are condescending of his mother.
Both are content with in order to demonise and attack Islam. The truth behind the façade is the following:
The Jews are convinced that if they rebuild the structure of Solomon then their Saviour will emerge and he is the Messiah Dajjal (the anti-Christ), as is foretold in their scripture.
Prophet Muhammad (S) said; “the Dajjal (anti-Christ) will be followed by 70,000 Jews of Asafhaan, who will be wearing the Tayaalisah” or clothes of their religious men.”
As for the Christians: Then their belief revolves around the fact that if the Anti-Christ emerges then that would signal the beginning of a new era for the Christians who will again rule the Earth from Jerusalem. So the Christians consider the Jews a stepping-stone to eventual world domination.

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